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Colonists -
      Natives  -
           Other  -

- Stake your claim -

        While this section will outline a full process for character generation, to merely free-play you need do no more than come up with a character in your head and join the channel.  The full process is just a step that will help you add more technical depth to your character and participate in moderated play where you can gain new items, become involved in new story lines, and build your characters' skills, strength, and experience.  

        There is no problem with creating a character conceptually, playing him or her, and then later creating a full sheet.  There is also nothing wrong with never sheeting a character, it is not a requirement.   This system is intended to be play-based and we do not want the sheeting process to delay players getting their characters into the game, so there really are very few restrictions on free-play.

- Character types -.




        Probably the easiest type of character to start with. is the Colonist type. The reason for this is that the colonists really have no knowledge of the World they have landed on.  The colonists come in many races, but the majority of them are humans, elves, and goblinoids.  There are also Insectoids, Reptillas, 'Meshies', and Floaters.. not to mention the various cross-breeds. ( Note that some of the races cannot mingle, due to physiology ).

        Colonist characters arrived on the planet in one of the three ships that left from the home-Worlds some sixty years ago.  During the journey they were in a state of suspended animation and only the vital crew-members of these ships were required to be awakened before landing.  This allows easy entry at any point for a colonist because some of the Stasis-pods may remain active for an indefinite amount of time after the ships landed.   They posses and use a level of technology that is not too  much further advanced than that of our own that does not include faster-than-light travel.  Computers, projectile and energy weapons, wireless communication, electricity, and vehicles of all sorts are available to them.  

        No colonist has ever encountered magic, though some may find they have a talent for it later.  To them, magic is a myth and the stuff of pure fiction.  They have left the eight home-worlds for varying reasons that are their own, ranging from fleeing prosecution to a burning drive to venture forth and blaze new trails in an unknown frontier.  While they do have a loosely enforced chain of command, by their very choice to travel decades into the unknown, they have proven that by and large they are a brave and independent lot.







          The sacnning sattelite that passed and scanned Planet ISO-43-6.7.8 showed that it had a breathable atmosphere, a varied climate, and vegetation.  The assumption was that the planet of course had primitive forms of life but no civilization.  The scans were wrong.           The World known to the natives as Kemmen is home to many cultures and races... most of which will change either subtly or drastically with the arrival of the colonists.  Among them are (of course) Elves, Aven, Wildlings, Goblinoids, and even a few Humans.   There very well may be other sentient races on Kemmen.  Only further exploration can reveal if this is so.        All information gathered by satellites

        The technology level of the Kemish races is very primitive by our standards.  This progression, however, is based on and driven by magic rather than electronics and created materials.  As such, while they may marvel at the gadgets and vehicles of the colonists, their own advancements are no less alien and awe-inspiring to the 'Star-People' who never learned to detect, harness, or manipulate the cosmic floes of the Arcane.

        If you plan on playing a native-type character(s) we suggest you  familiarize yourself with the setting lore that is relevant to that character's origins.  This though, should be easy enough to bluff through for experienced players with just a quick scan of race and topographical information.








               With the inclusion of magic, there are of course other ways to reach a distant World such as Kemmen.  Beyond the eight Home-Worlds, and Planet ISO 43-6.7.8, there are uncountable, other worlds both magic and technology-based from which all sorts of unique, or even extra-planar creatures may arrive.  This allows nearly any sort of character to be created and to join in within reason.

        All Worlds have their own unique and fluctuating emanations.  Kemmen itself resists the sustaining of permanent extra-dimensional portals and gates, making travel to and from other Worlds far more than a casual undertaking.  Items both arcane and technological may react differently, or cease to function altogether in this environment and as any inter-dimensionally-travelling spellcaster knows: It takes some time to attune one's magical aptitude to the specific energies of an unknown world.

        If you plan to play a unique other-type character, please discuss the concept with a staff member before creating a sheet or leaping into Mod-Play.  We do not want to shut down any character ideas out of hand, but we need to keep a moderately level playing field.  A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that BAD things happen to 'outsiders' of power who do BAD things.  That being said, we hope this type of character will further add to the diversity and growth potential of our game.

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type colonist
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type other
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