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Glaast is here.... and here is why

     I have been involved in text-based

Roleplaying games since 1995, and I

Have greatly enjoyed them.  The

World of Glaast has been  a

by-product of decades of 

character creation and interraction, 

often without an established channel to call

"home".  As time has passed, the options for channels 

have thinned and I've found those that remain to be lacking,  

even if only in my ability to enjoy them.  Still, I want to Play.

     By no means is this an attempt to detract from those channels. 

What this is, is a belated launch of my own setting... we all have a

world in our heads, it's time I let mine out.  Friends and strangers

alike are encouraged to join me in the channels #TheEvilPlotLocker and

#Whitelake on the server on IRC.  It's all good, as

long as we have fun along the way. 

So the answer is...Why not?

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